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Alcohol and Drug Rehab for Couples Near Me…What are the Pros and Cons?

It’s been on your mind for a while now.

Over the last few months, years, or maybe longer.

You are pretty sure that you and your partner could benefit from going to a substance abuse treatment center together.

Whether your issues are related to alcohol, drugs, or both there may come a point where you’ve decided that enough is enough.

And you’re pretty certain you think that a treatment center is the best option for both of you.

But you’re also not sure if it’s the best idea, given your history with substance abuse and maybe even other couples drug rehab facilities in the past.

Many couples who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction will try various tactics together, hoping they will help.

But whether it’s been behavioral couples therapy, group therapy, outpatient treatment, or maybe even some sort of treatment as individuals, there may come a time when you finally ask yourself:

Is it time we try an inpatient couples rehab near me?
What are the pros and cons of such a decision?

Deciding to get addiction treatment is never easy. In fact, if you are one of the brave individuals who has finally decided to change your path forward, you should be incredibly proud of yourself.

And – if you’ve decided to do it with another person? Even better.

Couple in therapy

In order to make a truly informed decision as to whether or not couples rehab is the right consideration for you and your loved one, it’s important to review some of the pros and cons that are possible, based on you and your partner’s addiction, your personal histories, the history of abuse in your relationship, and the level of commitment you are both expressing.
Inpatient couples rehab has worked for thousands of couples.

Will it work for you?


What Are the Pros and Cons of Going to Couples Rehab with My Partner?

Making the decision to go into rehab for a substance abuse problem is never going to be a decision that someone is going to take lightly.

A couple in therapy

But to decide to go into substance abuse treatment with another person?That just makes the decision even harder.

Even if both partners are fully on board with the decision, there are still so many factors to consider.

And – there are clearly worries as to whether or not seeking treatment as a couple is actually advantageous over seeking treatment as individuals.

But research has shown that there are some significant pros for a couple who wants to go into drug and alcohol rehab together.

It also shows there are some very clear cons to couples rehab as well.

Take some time to think about each of the questions below. These will help you decide if couples rehab is right for you.


What Is the Substance Use Disorder?

One of the first determinants for whether or not a couples rehab program is going to work for you and your partner will be cemented in this question.

What is the substance for which you are both considering addiction treatment?

There are a few reasons why this is an important question to start with.

If you and your partner have an addiction to the same substance, oftentimes experts find that this is a good indicator that couples rehab will be successful for both of you.

One reason is that you will find it easier to be empathetic toward each other, and much of your behavioral therapy while in treatment can be customized to both of you.

You’ll also find that treating a substance to which you both are addicted will be easier since you can both agree to set boundaries together around how you will cope without it once your time in treatment is over.

If you and your partner are struggling with different substance abuse addictions, inpatient rehab is still possible, but you may need to be prepared for the process to be different than you expected.

A person who has an addiction to prescription medications may need different types of behavioral modification and support from their treatment team than a person who is struggling with alcohol, for example.
When both parties have a substance abuse problem, but those substances are different, an inpatient rehab program can still be successful.

A women drinking wine

You just need to be prepared for different types of challenges to present themselves than if your substance use disorder was the same.


What is Your Past History?

Another important aspect of your overall success in couples rehab is going to have to do with both you and your partner’s past history.

This can obviously mean a lot of things. Whether this is related to your family of origin and any drug or alcohol addiction, or whether this is related to your own past history with drug and alcohol abuse, it will be important for your treatment program to know what has happened up until now that has brought you to inpatient couples rehab now.

A couple verbally disagreeing with each other

Knowing what each of you has experienced in the past is going to help your mental health services administration know the best course of action for both of you when you first arrive at the rehab center.It will also help when it comes to creating a successful treatment plan that will allow both you and your partner through the recovery process.


Is There a History of Abuse in Your Relationship?

Another very important part of knowing if couples rehab is going to work for you both is to look at the dynamics of your own relationship.

For many couples, substance abuse – whether it be alcohol addiction or drug addiction – leads eventually to some sort of domestic violence.

Sometimes this is emotional abuse. Other times it’s physical abuse or even financial abuse.

But regardless as to what sort of abuse it is, a couple that is struggling with ongoing domestic violence may have a harder time in a couples rehab treatment center together.

Some of the reasons for this are clear.If there is active and ongoing domestic violence going on in your home, then one or the other of you may not be in a place where you feel comfortable or safe expressing your needs, wants, or desires.

There is an imbalance of power and a safety concern in this situation that will make it very hard for both of you to work together to deal with your substance abuse issues.

A couple having a discussion

Drug and alcohol addiction can cause people to engage in behaviors and activities that wouldn’t otherwise.

Sometimes treating the drug addiction or alcohol addiction can make a huge difference in the dynamics that go on between two people.

Other times, even after the drug abuse or alcohol abuse has been revealed and resolved, poor behavior may continue.

Think carefully before you decide to commit to an inpatient couples rehab program if there is domestic abuse occurring in your relationship.

Through intense behavioral couples therapy and individual counseling, the abuse may be able to be addressed, but both parties must be in a place of taking responsibility for what has happened and be committed to changing the behavior.


What Is Your Level of Commitment?

Finally, perhaps the biggest question you both need to ask yourselves is this:

Am I fully committed to an inpatient couples rehab substance abuse treatment center?

This must be a question you each ask yourselves independently of the other.

No amount of begging, pleading or bargaining is going to be the reason that one or the other of you eventually decides that your path forward is a life without substance abuse.

It is important that – before you decide to try couples rehab – you and your loved one are one hundred percent committed to the idea.

And it’s just as important that you both know the possible roadblocks that may keep you from becoming free from alcohol abuse or drug abuse once you leave.

Not everyone is ready at the same time to tackle their substance abuse with a drug and alcohol rehab center.

And no matter how much one of us wants the other to be excited about seeking addiction treatment, each person must choose their own timeline to start the treatment process.

That said, if you and your partner both know that an alcohol abuse and/or a drug abuse addiction treatment program is right for you, then you are both well on your way to finding the healing you need to deal with your substance addiction once and for all.

family therapy


What Do I Look for in a Couples Rehab Program?

Since an alcohol or drug rehab program is going to be different for a couple than for an individual, there are certain key components you’ll want to look for before you decide which inpatient rehab center is going to work best for the two of you.

Make Sure the Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center Is Trained to Treat Couples

This may seem obvious, but it’s very important that you do your research on each couples rehab center before you make any sort of commitment.

Group Yoga

Not all drug and alcohol rehab centers are the same. Some have programs that are specifically for one gender. Others only treat teenagers or young adults. Some are geared toward those who have multiple addictions or need specialized care.

Doing all you can to learn about the various drug and alcohol rehab centers will go a long way in ensuring that this experience is a positive one for both of you.

Find Out What Services the Alcohol and Drug Rehab Center Provides

Once you’ve clarified that the center you’ve chosen is adept at caring for couples throughout their alcohol and/or drug rehab treatment, you should find out what services they will provide you both while you’re there.

Some of the important parts of your addiction treatment will be access to things such as behavioral couples therapy, relationship counseling, mental health services, and even access to a good outpatient program when you leave.

You’ll also want to know things about the living situation, what are the rules around visitation from family or friends, and what sorts of activities are available outside of those that are focusing on your substance use disorder.

Ask About Payment and Insurance Plans

Another important clarification you need to seek before you and your partner decide to seek treatment at a particular rehab treatment center is the payment and billing process of that particular facility.

Many insurance providers now cover a decent portion of couples rehab centers, but you will need to get the specifics from your insurance provider before committing to any substance use facility.

Group therapy session

Substance use disorder can be one of the most expensive treatment options for anyone trying to overcome a drug or alcohol addiction. That said, it can also be one of the most effective treatment options available.But before you make a final decision, make sure the treatment facility that you’ve chosen is in network with your insurance provider.


Find the Best Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers Near You

If you and your partner are ready to commit to seeking help through one of the many American addiction centers nationwide, then good for you!

You are both taking the first step towards changing your lives for the good, and the lives of the many people who love you.

Couples drug rehab programs are not easy. And alcohol rehab centers are just as challenging.

But once you’ve done your research and decided – together – that you are both ready for an alcohol and drug rehab for couples program, then you are well on your way to finding the happiness and health you both need and deserve.

At the San Clemente Alcohol & Drug Rehab & Addiction Treatment Center, we are experts at rehab for couples.

Our couples drug rehab is one of the best in the country, and we consistently rate high when compared to other alcohol and drug rehabs similar to ours.

Once you meet with our inpatient coordinator, you’ll be introduced to our mental health services administration who will walk through what programs are best going to serve you and your partner.

And unlike many couples drug rehab centers, we offer state-of-the-art living quarters that allow both of you to continue to feel like you are in the comfort of your own home.

We also offer opportunities for couples to engage in activities that they would normally participate in at home, and even allow pets in our facility.

At San Clemente Alcohol & Drug Rehab & Addiction Treatment Center, we want your experience to feel like home, and not like a treatment center.

By creating an environment that emulates your home environment, we can give you tools to begin creating coping skills and behavioral changes that you will need once your inpatient treatment program is over.Many of our patients go on to participate in our outpatient program as well. If this is something you and your partner decide to do, you will be able to use the skills you learned during your time in our inpatient program to help you during your ongoing outpatient recovery process as well.

If you and your loved one are ready to seek help for your substance abuse, please give us a call today.

Our skilled and compassionate staff will be able to answer any additional questions you may have about our inpatient rehab program and take any necessary information that they need in order to properly submit payment to your insurance company.

Tea, books and flowers

They will also ask you a few additional questions that will help determine how we can best help both of you in creating a treatment plan for your substance abuse disorder.

At San Clemente Alcohol & Drug Rehab & Addiction Treatment Center, we are ready to help you and your partner on the path to substance abuse recovery once and for all.