If you’re ready to start recovering from substance abuse, congratulations. One of the first searches online you may have made is for rehab near me. But it can be tough to figure out which rehab is the right one for your unique situation.

We put together this article to help you figure it out. Keep reading to learn everything that you need to know to pick a rehab program.

What is rehab?

Let’s start with the basics. There are a few different types of rehab options to consider as you go through the decision-making process. Each one can help you heal.

Inpatient rehab involves living at a facility full-time for somewhere between one month and three. It can be a good choice if you’re looking for a comprehensive program that minimizes your risk of relapse.

You may also be interested in outpatient rehab. These programs let you sleep in your own bed at night, which can be nice if you have a family. But outpatient care gives you some extra freedom, which could increase your risk of relapse.

What happens during rehab?

Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient rehab near me, you’ll receive several different types of care. First, you’ll get to work individually with a therapist who specializes in addiction recovery. They can help you explore the root causes of your issues and come up with healthier solutions for them.

You’ll also get to participate in group-based recovery activities. This can include meetings, outdoor outings, and group therapy, among others.

Some options for rehab near me even offer holistic healing services. These can include things like working with a personal trainer and a nutritionist or yoga and meditation classes, among other things.

How do I find rehab near me?

The easiest way to figure out your options for rehab are to look them up online. Using a simple search like ‘rehab near me’ should give you a good overview of your choices.

From there, do a little research to figure out which of your options are going to be the best fit for your needs. Think about what type of care you’d like to receive and whether your insurance will cover the cost of the program or not as you make your decision.

Get started with rehab near me faster by reaching out to the House of the Rising Son today

Ultimately, the faster you get started with rehab the faster you can get back to living the healthy lifestyle that you wish you had. That’s why you should consider reaching out to the House of the Rising Son today.

Our addiction specialists are available to answer your questions and to make a personalized recommendation for your care.

So why wait? Take the first step towards your new life by reaching out to us today. We look forward to hearing from you and can’t wait to help you heal.