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Are there rehabs you can bring your dog with you to?

If you are struggling with addiction and looking for a way to recover, you may be wondering if there are rehabs that allow you to bring your dog with you. The answer is yes, there are. In fact, more and more pet friendly rehabs recognizing the benefits of pet therapy and offering programs that include your furry friend.

Why bring your dog to rehab?

Dogs can provide many benefits for people in recovery, such as:

– Reducing stress and anxiety. Dogs can help you relax and cope with the challenges of rehab by offering unconditional love and support. They can also lower your blood pressure, heart rate, and cortisol levels, which are associated with stress.
– Boosting your mood and self-esteem. Dogs can make you smile and laugh with their playful antics and affection. They can also help you feel more confident and worthy of love by showing you loyalty and acceptance.
– Improving your physical health. Dogs can encourage you to exercise more, which can improve your physical fitness, immune system, and mental health. They can also help you sleep better, which is important for recovery.
– Providing structure and routine. Dogs need regular care and attention, which can help you establish a healthy schedule and habits. They can also help you stay focused on the present and avoid dwelling on the past or worrying about the future.
– Enhancing your social skills and relationships. Dogs can help you break the ice and connect with other people who share your love for animals. They can also teach you valuable lessons about communication, trust, empathy, and forgiveness.

How to find a dog-friendly rehab?

If you are interested in bringing your dog to rehab, you will need to do some research and planning. Not all rehabs are pet-friendly, and those that are may have different policies and requirements. Here are some steps you can take to find a suitable rehab for you and your dog:

– Ask for referrals. You can ask your doctor, therapist, or addiction counselor for recommendations of rehabs that allow pets. You can also ask your friends, family, or online support groups if they know of any.
– Search online. You can use online directories or websites that list pet-friendly rehabs in your area or across the country. You can also look for reviews or testimonials from other people who have brought their dogs to rehab.
– Contact the rehabs. Once you have a list of potential rehabs, you should contact them directly and ask about their pet policy. Some questions you may want to ask are:

– Do they accept dogs of all sizes and breeds?
– Do they have any restrictions or fees for bringing a dog?
– Do they provide any amenities or services for dogs, such as food, bedding, toys, grooming, or veterinary care?
– Do they have any rules or guidelines for dogs, such as leash laws, vaccination requirements, or behavioral expectations?
– Do they have any activities or programs that involve dogs, such as group walks, play sessions, or pet therapy?

– Prepare yourself and your dog. Once you have chosen a rehab that meets your needs and preferences, you should prepare yourself and your dog for the transition. Some things you may want to do are:

– Pack the essentials for your dog, such as food, water, bowls, leash, collar, tags, crate, bed, toys, treats, medications, etc.
– Update your dog’s vaccinations and health records and bring copies with you.
– Train your dog to behave well in different situations and environments. You may want to enroll in a basic obedience class or consult a professional trainer if needed.
– Talk to your dog about what is going to happen and reassure them that everything will be okay. You may want to use positive reinforcement techniques such as praise, treats, or toys to help them associate rehab with something good.

Bringing your dog to rehab can be a rewarding experience for both of you. It can help you overcome addiction and achieve lasting recovery while strengthening your bond with your best friend. If you are ready to take this step, start looking for a dog-friendly rehab today and get ready for a new beginning.

The House of The Rising Son is a Pet Friendly Rehab in San Clemente Claifornia.